Video Labs: Chapter #13-Treatment and Therapy for Psychological Disorders
Electroconvulsive Shock Treatment (ECT)
One category of treatment for mental disorders is biomedical treatments. Biomedical treatments include psychosurgery (e.g., lobotomy), electroconvulsive shock therapy, and drug therapy. By far, the most widely used biomedical treatment is drug therapy. Millions of people take drugs such as SSRI antidepressants (e.g., Prozac) and benzodiazepines (e.g., Valium). However, in cases where drugs and other therapies are not effective other biomedical treatments might be used. One such therapy is electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT), which involves passing an electrical current through a person’s brain to treat severe symptoms of depression. Although the treatment can be effective, it is a controversial treatment. This video explores ECT. Run Time: 5:11
Person-Centered Therapy Role Play
Although Sigmund Freud pioneered psychotherapy, other therapies emerged that took a very different approach from the Freudian approach. One category of psychotherapy that differed from Freud’s was humanistic therapy. Recall that Freud assumed that bad things that happened to us during childhood could leave a mark, or fixation, on our personality and lead to neurosis later on. Overall, Freud’s approach was very pessimistic. Humanistic therapy, on the other hand, assumes a more positive position, suggesting that we have the potential for growth. One form of humanistic therapy is client-centered (or person-centered) therapy. In this type of therapy the therapist does not actively analyze what the client says. Instead, the therapist creates an environment of support. This video shows a simulated client-centered therapy session. Run Time: 8:55
The ABCs of Behavior
While most psychotherapy techniques focus on how a person thinks and/or feels about situations, behavioral therapy focuses on overt behavior. The main assumption of behavioral therapy is that maladaptive behaviors are learned and can be unlearned. Behavioral therapy is really a collection of therapies rooted in principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. This video shows an application of behavioral therapy to a classroom setting. Run Time: 8:35
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