Video Labs: Chapter #2-The Biological Foundations of Behavior
Anatomy of a Neuron
According to Chapter 2, the neuron is a cell that transmits information in the nervous system. To accomplish this important task, the neuron’s structure is specialized to carry electrical information. The neuron comprises three main parts: the dendrites, the cell body (soma) and the axon. In this video the basic structure of the neuron is reviewed along with how the neuron functions. Run Time: 6:12
The Old Brain
The human brain has structures in it which can also be found in the brains of lower animals. The structures in this part of the brain, called the old brain, control basic functions rather than more complex functions. This video reviews a number of the structures that make up the old brain and explains what they do. Run Time: 7:10
Cerebral Cortex
In contrast to the old brain, which handles a number of basic (largely unconscious) functions, the cerebral cortex (or new brain) has evolved to take care of a variety of higher, more complex functions. As noted in Chapter 2, the cortex is divided into two hemispheres (left and right), with each hemisphere divided in to four lobes separated by major fissures. Each of these lobes handles specific functions. For example, the occipital lobe is specialized for vision. This video reviews the anatomy and functions of the cortex. Run Time: 8:12
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